Finding Sovereign


Where one woman’s success elevates another into her own

Join soul sisters ready to take ownership in all aspects of their life and start co-creating with my guidance to ascend into the unlimited potential we are here to become 

Align yourself with your truth and who you desire to become and take action from this place 

Connect to your deeper meaning in life 
To your divine essence
To spirit
With Soul sisters by your side 
In the highest standards 
Elevating you
Supporting you 
Seeing you 
Loving you
Allow your desire to become your reality

Become unstoppable your way

Biweekly group calls with 1:1 coaching 

6 month intimate group mentorship

6000$ PIF
1111$/mo x 6 available upon request

With Lise-Marie Irving, MD

Connect here to discuss  

don't be shy


Connect with us

Medicine woman, emotional Intelligence Leader, Intuitive, MD  
Empowering women to reclaim their truths and become the leaders they know they are here to be


I'm Lise-Marie

Before we get any further...